Pulling expense reports can be stressful for everyone, but it’s especially stressful when your business has potentially hundreds of moving parts. Luckily, Peasy is here to help you take a load off.
Waiting in line to pay cash tolls is going the way of the dinosaurs. In addition to the wasted time in line, companies without a modern tolling solution often find themselves having to advance cash to their drivers. When they return, the paperwork begins, with paper receipts and expense reports to sort through. It’s a huge opportunity for errors and wasted funds. The old school system is even more difficult for micro-fleets and small businesses.
When companies operate between states and across regions, managing multiple transponders and accounts becomes a recipe for disaster. Peasy’s digital documentation lets you keep track of receipts for every vehicle in one, simple and easy-to-access portal. Instead of having to deal with multiple Toll Authorities, payment accounts, and transponders, your drivers can stick to the fast lane with Peasy while you manage all their tolls for them from the comfort of your office.
Lease Your Fleet? That’s No Big Deal.
Fleets that lease their vehicles traditionally find themselves at an even greater disadvantage when it comes to toll roads and bridges. Often these tolls won’t show up until after the lease period is complete, leaving the leasing company to comb their records looking for the correct customer’s information. As you can imagine, this can be a huge time waste for companies managing even just one rental vehicle at a time, let alone dozens of vehicles each week.
Peasy’s tolling system solves this problem for you by immediately associating tolls with the appropriate vehicle. Tolls are charged directly to the associated credit card, cutting down on fines, late penalties and the hassle of having to pay by mail. Plus, if for some reason you have to dispute a toll charge, Peasy has a team dedicated to tracking down tolling errors and contacting Toll Authorities on your behalf. What could be better?
Tax time and expense reports may be stressful, but Peasy’s pay-as-you-go system keeps your focus on what’s important – building your business. Get a 30-day free trial when you set up your corporate account today at drivepeasy.com.